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Shake Up Your Study Routine

Written by Blair | 27/01/22 10:12 PM

Shake Up Your Study Routine

by Pascal Press | January 28, 2021

There’s no denying that study can grow tiresome. There will be times when you’re bored, restless or unmotivated. Especially when it comes to Year 12 studies, the road can seem too long and arduous. The tough reality is that the only way out is going through it. We’ve compiled a list of our favourite techniques to shake up your study schedule and reignite your determination.

Variety is the spice of study

Consider new ways to consume and absorb your study notes. Flashcards are a great tool toward the final stages of revision, enabling you to recruit family members to help test your knowledge. Earlier on in the process, consider recording concepts, theories or perhaps entire essays onto your phone and listen to them while you commute, while you go for a walk, or while you work out at the gym. 

Change your environment

Commit to at least one afternoon or evening a fortnight in a library. The quiet atmosphere of library study rooms are encouraging, as working alongside peers often holds you accountable. A refreshing change of scenery can often be the motivation needed to dive into revision. 

Test your knowledge

Research shows that testing yourself regularly significantly improves your ability to retain information. Once you’ve read a key textbook chapter or concept in your syllabus, challenge yourself to write a free-form essay on the topic. This practice requires you to consolidate your knowledge and interpret the information. Return to the original source and review what you were able to communicate and flag points you may have missed. This will help you pinpoint what to will need to study again.

Recruit reminders

Purchase a mixed pack of coloured post-it notes and allocate one subject per colour. Write important equations, titles, years, quotes or statistics onto each. I might choose pink for Ancient History and write the year that Mount Vesuvius erupted! Pop these post-its around your home in places you usually visit for some quick exam reminders. Great spots include the fridge, your door, a bedside table, your mirror or your wardrobe.

If you find yourself feeling a little dusty from your study program, give the above ideas a try. Ultimately, burnout is one of the main forces behind exam prep blues – so it’s important to know how to identify the difference between boredom and exhaustion. Don’t be afraid to give yourself a night off, or a Sunday to re-cooperate. Take regular breaks while you study and always prioritise sleep over an opportunity to cram.